doesn’t check the underflow/overflow like a prior version from 0.7

tl;dr: "unchecked" exists in order to save gas

the features of unchecked

  1. don’t use the default overflow/underflow features from solidity 0.8 ~
  2. If you use this unchecked, you can save your gas fee

If you use array, you should use unchecked keyword.

Screen Shot 2022-08-06 at 15.41.55.png

gas optimization

for (uint256 i = 0; i < distributions.length; ) {
            if (distributions[i].beneficiary == _beneficiary) return true;
						// check under/over flow when executing i++ 
            unchecked {

This code must not use unchecked. it has underflow/overflow error….

pragma solidity 0.7.0;

contract ChangeBalance {
    uint8 public balance;

    function decrease() public {

    function increase() public {