to create the pair address of tokenA and tokenB
(address tokenA, address tokenB) β (address pair)
tokenA(USDC) = 0xA0b86991c6218b36c1d19D4a2e9Eb0cE3606eB48
tokenB(WETH) = 0xC02aaA39b223FE8D0A0e5C4F27eAD9083C756Cc2
pair(USDC/WETH) = 0xB4e16d0168e52d35CaCD2c6185b44281Ec28C9Dc
create2 is one of opcode to create new contract address.
There are two opcodes to create contract address. βCREATEβ and βCREATE2β.
If you want to dive deep to this, check this page πΒ Create2
function createPair(address tokenA, address tokenB) external returns (address pair) {
require(tokenA != tokenB, 'UniswapV2: IDENTICAL_ADDRESSES');
(address token0, address token1) = tokenA < tokenB ? (tokenA, tokenB) : (tokenB, tokenA);
require(token0 != address(0), 'UniswapV2: ZERO_ADDRESS');
require(getPair[token0][token1] == address(0), 'UniswapV2: PAIR_EXISTS'); // single check is sufficient
bytes memory bytecode = type(UniswapV2Pair).creationCode;
bytes32 salt = keccak256(abi.encodePacked(token0, token1));
assembly {
pair := create2(0, add(bytecode, 32), mload(bytecode), salt)
IUniswapV2Pair(pair).initialize(token0, token1);
getPair[token0][token1] = pair;
getPair[token1][token0] = pair; // populate mapping in the reverse direction
emit PairCreated(token0, token1, pair, allPairs.length);