/// @notice Returns start timestamp of current epoch
  /// @return getEpochStartTimestamp start timestamp of the current epoch
  function getEpochStartTimestamp() public view returns (uint256) {
    //Eg. If EPOCH_LENGTH is 10min, then the epoch will change at 11:00, 11:10, 11:20 etc.
    // NOTE: we intentianally divide first to truncate the insignificant digits.
    //slither-disable-next-line divide-before-multiply
    return (block.timestamp / EPOCH_LENGTH) * EPOCH_LENGTH;
    // 100 / 7 * 7 = 14 * 7 = 98
    // 100 * 7 / 7 = 700 / 7 = 100
    // b.t < Epoch >> transaction revert!!

  /// @notice Returns index of the current epoch based on block.timestamp
  /// @dev Called by internal functions to get current epoch index
  /// @return getCurrentEpochIndex the current epoch index
  //slither-disable-next-line block-timestamp
  function getCurrentEpochIndex() external view returns (uint256) {
    return (getEpochStartTimestamp() - initialEpochStartTimestamp) / EPOCH_LENGTH;