EVM Deep Dives: The Path to Shadowy Super Coder 🥷 💻 - Part 6

✅ Log query the data effective way(bits vector)

Understanding the data structures that make up a blockchain can help you think about new and creative ways to parse that data.

In this article, we’ll journey from the block header all the way down to the internals of an event log giving you a comprehensive understanding of what data is available to you and how it was created.

For the purpose of this article understanding that the node has access to all the transactions and receipts is all we need to know.

Why use Logs

Ethereum Block Merkle Roots

Block Header has 3 Merkle Roots.

  1. The state Merkle Root
  2. Transaction Merkle Root
  3. Receipts Merkle Root

we’re going to reference https://etherscan.io/block/15001871

Block Header


There are 3 components we’re interested in

  1. “Transaction Root”
  2. “Receipt Root”